Laurie Lawrence Swim School was established in Queensland in 1966. Since then the Swim School has produced a large number of State, National, Commonwealth, World and Olympic champions. Laurie has taught children to swim, progressed them through junior squads and coached many to medals at the Olympic Games. This is a unique feat in International swimming and has made Laurie Lawrence Swim School a world leader in quality teaching programs.
Laurie Lawrence Swim School teaches children of all ages to love the water, be safe in the water, recognise its health benefits, give them a relaxed natural stroke to last a lifetime as well as the swimming skills needed to compete at the highest level of competition if they so desire.
World Leader in Baby Teaching
Laurie Lawrence Swim School is a world leader in baby learn to swim. Our program has been developed over 35 years and incorporates baby’s social, emotional and physical growth and development into the swimming lessons.
We follow gentle learn to swim methods that recognise the baby’s physical capabilities and readiness to perform aquatic skills.
For more information, visit https://laurielawrenceswimschool.com.au/.